In a soup!

Jul 24

I had read in one of the health/running website that novice runner should never run on the course that they have not walked before, so this morning, my husband and I, went to the Elysian Park, where the 5k race will be held next Saturday. It is a charming park with beautiful views of downtown Los Angeles. As we started running, I was in for a shocker; it was not a straight stretch leveled road as expected. It was hilly!! I have never run uphill before, never EVER! Sometimes people tell me, I am a snail (I think they wanted to say “slow” but were too kind) I suppose I concur with them today. I should have done my homework before registering for the race.

Another challenges that I will encounter is that I am a nocturnal runner, always ran after sun set, guess I am “Team Edward” (Twilight fame). It was tough running with the ball on fire sizzling brightly in the sky.

So will this blogger succeed, or accept defeat even before launching to the first race…will find out in just 6 days!

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I want to be just a number…

Jul 22

Finally, I have registered for my very first 5K! It’s on Saturday, July 31st, here’s the link . I am so energized; I will at last have number on my shirt! Apparently it’s called “bib”, runners usually pin it on front of their shirts.
Butterflies and zillions questions in my tummy, am I prepared? how do I avoid pre-race anxieties ? warm up? Cool down? Play list? what do I wear, I know it’s not the prom, but it is my first race! What do I eat, before and after? will there be water? am I a complete Looney?
So far, I know the answer only to the last question and its YES!
Ok, here are few things that I want to accomplish in this race-
• Running (not walking) my little heart out to the finish line.
• Not to be last to finish.
• Not cry after I finish the race.
• Enjoy the experience and have fun!

Do you have any tips to offer first time racers?Click the "comment" button and help me reach the finish line.

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Strength Training

Jul 22

Strength training is the use of resistance to muscular contraction to build the strength, anaerobic endurance and size of skeletal muscles, yup that's the definition directly cut and pasted from Wikipedia, but nearly not are important as strength training that I have in mind. I was talking to a friend of mine, who my husband and I call superwoman ,she is having a challenging time juggling two very active kids, demanding 80+ hours workweek, no weekends time with family, zero vacation for two years, squeezing in strenuous workouts, attending classes and never ending assignments.

To take on all that, by choice or because it’s your duty, and still be positive, without an ounce of alcohol in your blood stream, is what I call mental strength training.

So how do we strength train our minds to curve balls life throws at us? Here’s my two cents – things that I seek to incorporate in my life-

Be positive, stay positive, subscribe to jokeaday, be an walking advertisement for dentist and smile a lot, work out, dance at every opportunity, take daily dose of multi vitamins, let the small stuff- be small stuff and not stress about it, eat healthy food but don’t skip on dark chocolate or tiramisu once in a while, drink a bit (avoid during work hours) and most importantly have fun and live boldly!

Do feel free to add to the list via comments tab.

Bugs for dinner

Jul 20

Yes, I had bugs for dinner last night,marinated in yogurt, just a touch of mayo and ketchup with fingerling potatoes on the side. Yeah right, I am vegetarian, born and raised as vegetarian, never had the choice to choose!
I have been running in the evening because of the hot weather and obsession with fairer skin,ran 3k in 19 minutes, average pace 6.30. The run was really good, I was focused on increasing my pace, cool breeze blowing my newly cropped hair, I believe it provides least resistance while running:),out of the blue, a big bug flew into my mouth...I huffed and puffed but could get the bug out. I spat, coughed and imitated throw up, but the bug seemed to fancy my oral hygiene and stayed inside my mouth. The only things left for me to do was drown bug, the bugger, I drank water, don't know if bugs have soul, but if they do may it rest in peace temporarily in my stomach till morning.

How do I avoid this from happening again? any suggestions? I wish to stay vegetarian and prefer cereal for dinner.

I killed the bug and the bug killed my appetite.

Here's to all the bugs who fly into unassuming runners mouth, fly in peace.

Replace shoes every 300 to 400 miles- beginning of running!

Jul 19

Few weeks ago, I read in a health magazine that running shoes should be replaced every 300 to 400 miles, that gave me a jolt, I could never buy new shoes again! Mine would last for a lifetime! I got up, put on my shoes and started running and since then have not looked back.
I have been doing cardio and strength training for sometime now but it does not compare with the thrill of running! The first time I ran, was 5k in 35 minutes, I was at the top of the world AND ready to pass out because of exhaustion. The rush of adrenaline kept me from thumping to the ground, I hugged my hubby, my best friend, who was running right besides me!

I never thought I could run in my dreams or day dreams! I have always been in awe of runners, the strength, form and energy they emit always captivated me.I am happy to say...My name is Leena, and I am a running addict!

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